Personal Loans

When making the decision to purchase something that requires you to take out a loan, you want to feel confident that you are getting the best finance solution possible. Our expert finance team can provide you with professional advice and guidance to help you reach a decision that you are comfortable with. We are not here to pressure you into anything and our focus is on overall customer satisfaction.

A personal loan is a simple way to finance smaller projects and will save you having to redraw from your mortgage or add the cost to a high-interest credit card. Mildura Finance can arrange secured or unsecured personal loans between $5,000 – $70,000.

What can I finance with a Personal Loan?

  • Debt Consolidation
  • Home Improvements
  • Education Fees
  • Holidays
  • Weddings
  • Dental Work
  • Medical Procedures
  • Gap Finance
  • Legal Fees
  • Solar Panels
  • Swimming Pools

Secured Loan

We are committed to providing a professional, obligation free finance service which is comprehensive and up-to-date.

Unsecured Loan

Our team of finance experts are fully trained and accredited with a wide range of lenders and the latest finance options available.

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more information?

You can give us a call on (03) 5051 0400 or fill out the form and we’ll have an expert consultant get back to you

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